Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Announcements! #birthphotos

We have been late to the "take awesome pictures of your newborn" game for a few reasons...
1) We don't have a nice camera.
2) We can't afford to pay someone amazing to take pro photos of our kid with their nice camera.
3) Having your kid in NICU for a month put everything about a month behind.
That being said, I still really wanted to take "newborn" photos of Rosemary! 

So without further adieu, here are Rosemary's "original due date", "newborn", 2 month old photos!


Funny Pixie Faces! 

Little Sleeping Beauty

Mom, did you take my passie out of my mouth? 

Not the best photo, but still a cute and silly face! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rosie's Neverland Nursery

Before we knew the gender of our little baby, Gabe and I KNEW we wanted a Neverland Nursery. I have loved the Peter Pan stories and movies since I was a child and there is something so whimsical about a world full of mermaids, pirates, lost boys and fairies! This room quickly turned into a labor of love from our friends and family that helped us pull it all together.  

 It all started when Gabe's sister Kara gave us this beautiful wall decal. "So come with me, where dreams are born and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever, in Never Never Land."

Also! Please note the book with the pirate ship on the cover. This was written and illustrated for Rosemary by our dear friends Katie and Isabelle.
 For our Story Book Land baby shower we asked people to bring childrens books instead of cards. This was how we started our beautiful childrens book collection.

Gabe and I had a blast putting this book shelf together with our friends and family's favorite books and fairytales!

My mother made this whimsy mobile for us using antique railroad keys and this fun garden planter.

The blue and green came together nicely with our sparkly GLITTER WALL! We used Valspar Paint Crystals from Lowes to create this!

 My beautiful mom also made the curtains for the room! I love how the orange ties the whole room together.

Our limited edition Peter Pan artist piece was given to us by our friend Janae from her own fancy Disney collection! We love how perfect it matches our blue and green walls.
 This is my favorite part of the whole room!!! Our friend Sara Haase created this perfect Neverland map for us. She is such a talented artist and we are honored to have her artwork in our home! 

We also have some very talented seamstresses in our world! We had custom made bedding created by our friend Sissy Hayes and the beautiful LOTR quilt (on the bed) was done by the talented Heidi Newell.

Not only do we know talented artists, but we also know some famous fairies! Tinker Bell came by our house once Rosie came home from NICU. They had a lovely afternoon together playing in Rosie's Neverland Nursery.
I love how the room has come together and it's now my favorite place in the house! I hope our little girl grows up with the drive to imagine and dream! (And I hope her nursery had a little to do with it.)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Our Unexpected November

Before Life Changed:

For about two weeks I had not been feeling well. Headaches, chest pain... But Tylenol was working and I was sleeping okay. On Friday night, the 22nd, the Tylenol stopped working and I was very uncomfortable for most of the night. I even got sick twice and couldn't keep any food down. In the morning Gabe wanted me to check my blood pressure. It had been great the whole pregnancy, so I had stopped checking it way back in July! But, sure enough, it was very high. 151/98

Being a Saturday morning, we called the 24 hour nurse help line at Kaiser. They were very nice and  transferred us over the Labor and Delivery (the only pregnancy help there on a Saturday morning). The nurse on the phone wanted us to come in and get checked out. Gabe and I were there by 9:00am.

We got checked in and taken to a room. The nurse with us needed to get the basic tests from me, but I could barely pee in the cup for her. She took over the little I gave her and Gabe and I settled in for what we thought would be a few hours of tests, some blood pressure meds, then sent home.

That night, 23rd, was Gabe's "big" birthday dinner with his buddies. They had a big night ahead of them with bbq and beer! We really thought we would be out of there by mid afternoon. (We ended up celebrating Gabe's birthday very differently!) 

I was able to pee a little bit more for the nurse and she took the rest of the sample to the doctor. We flipped on the TV and started to watch Willy Wonka (the original!) in our room. About 20min later, the doctor came in the room, greeted us and said something that will stay with Gabe and I for the rest of our lives,

"Things are going to start moving very fast."

She then went on to tell us that I had Preeclampsia with the rare paring of HELLP syndrome These two are not only dangerous to me, but also to our little Rosemary.
A C-section was the only way to insure both her safety and mine.

This hit Gabe and me like a ton of bricks. I wasn't due until mid-late January (My due date was Jan 25th, but she was measuring to about Jan. 16th.) Either way... we were not ready. Gabe allowed himself to process this news, I however jumped from "everything's fine" to "Let's do this!" in a matter of seconds. I knew that if I thought about it too much it would overwhelm me and stress me out even more.

At this point Gabe and I started calling family and friends to be praying. We didn't want our family to come down yet, (they told us it could be up to 8 hours before I could have the c-section) and didn't want them to have to wait around...
They are all bad listeners and within the hour they were all on their way. We are forever grateful for their bad listening skills. :)

We were on hold for a little bit to make sure the hospital had blood platelets in the building, because of my low blood platelet level, (normal is about 150. Mine were at 51.) Thankfully, they had some and I would be ready for the c-section by about 1pm.

Because of the chance of the seizure, I had to be put completely under. This sadly also meant Gabe couldn't be in the room. Like I said before... Didn't want to think too much about what we would be missing.

I was given a few different meds to prep for the c-section, kissed Gabe, and was wheeled into the OR. The last thing I remember was the doctor telling me to take slow deep breaths.

On Saturday, November 23rd, at 1:51pm our little Rosemary Luna came into the world, screaming her head off. (They told us that's a good thing.) Born at 31 weeks along. 9 weeks early. 

By 2pm I was in recovery and by 2:30 I got to look at my little girl for the first time. (Sadly I don't remember any of this... thank God for pictures!) That night I was finally able to process what we had been through. I was finally able to get in a good cry and let out all the stress.

The family came in to celebrate with us and Rosie and I started our road to recovery.

Gabe was checking in on Rosemary every few hours. The first day was really rough because they had to take my vitals every hour. Yes, they had to wake me up every hour and check me out. Because of the medication they had me on, I couldn't leave my room, but by the next day at 1pm, they took me off of that one medication and I was able to walk down the hall to see our new little girl. 
Finally getting to hold my Rosemary was like nothing I had ever experienced before! The joy Gabe and I felt made all the stress, pain, and fear melt away. For me, that is when the healing could begin. Peace had come.
Our first family photo! (She is hooked up to a c-pap breathing mask. At 31 weeks, this is standard for preemies.)

This is Life:

Gabe and I now go to the hospital every day. We are watching little Rosie get stronger and stronger. They tell us she may even be home by Christmas! (A whole month before her due date!) She is now off the IV and breathing on her own. She is getting breast milk from a donor and soon I will be making enough to feed her.
Rosemary and Daddy! 
They took her off the c-pap breathing mask after 2 days! 

Rosemary and Mommy! Then they took her off the breathing tube completely a few days later! So Strong!   

The nurses made a Thanksgiving card FROM Rosemary for us! Best card ever!!! 
 Gabe and I are learning how to change the diaper of a 3 1/2 lb baby! We are getting better. (Rosie is not impressed...) 
She has a nice strong grip too and loves to hold our fingers. 
Rosemary Luna: 11 days old! 
Rosemary Luna is doing great! She still has a feeding tube, and will until she can multitask eating, swallowing, and breathing at the same time. (They tell us that starts around the 33/34 week mark.) We were able to bring in clothes for her to wear this week too! Who knew seeing your baby, looking like a "baby" would be such a big deal! As she gets stronger and stronger every day, it's getting harder and harder to leave her.

We are so thankful for so much. The day she was born couldn't have gone smoother and the nurses and doctors could not have been more patient or helpful. Our friends and family are the best! Each and every one of their visits, notes, phone calls and texts made this time that much easier to handle.

We know Rosemary is in wonderful hands. Once she is strong enough, we'll be over joyed to take her home. Until then, we know she is in the right place, getting the best care she can!

Grow Strong and Brave baby girl. We pray for you every day and thank God for His blessing in our lives. We'll see you soon.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our Gender Reveal Party! Milk N Cookies Style

We decided to have a Gender Reveal party with our family and close friends, to celebrate our little one! Normally I don't consider myself a trendy person, but I really like this idea. Not to mention, my mom is one heck of a party decorator! Our big sonogram appointment was on Tuesday and we planned the party for that Saturday.

I had seen so many cute ideas for parties and decided to go with a black and white themed "Milk n Cookies" party. That way, once we cut the cake, the color (pink or blue) would really pop! 

My awesome mom, and our awesome neighbor Sjaan, made this late August, backyard party totally come to life!

My mom made mini bow ties and tutus for people to clip on as they arrived.

I also printed out copies of our sonogram for family to take home, if they wanted.

Our little one! In her first official photo shoot!

I put together an "Old Wives Tales" gender prediction board to help people make a good guess.

My mom also had this very cute maternity dress made for me. (She even stuffed her dress form with a pregnant belly!) So cute!
Dress made by:
Maria Saenz, Fashion and Costume Design
Long Beach, CA

Mom used black and white wrapping paper as table runners. Then just had small wire baskets with white flowers as centerpieces.

The party was mainly dessert! (yum!) Cookies, black and white candies, wine and, of course, CAKE!

(She also used old antique milk bottles for the milk. But, being that the temperature still felt like 90 at about 7pm that night, we kept them in the fridge until we cut the cake. Sadly, I don't think we got a good picture of their cuteness.)

 The black and white really came together with this backdrop too! I LOVE the homemade banner and the pinwheels are accented with antique buttons! (This has the best DIY for the pinwheels)
My awesome husband and I had a chance to look around before everyone arrived.

Gabe wrote a whimsy and beautiful sonnet for our little one. This was one of the most special things about our little party. We had the sonnet also written in frosting around the cake!

You can read the sonnet here.

Our Black and White Gender Reveal Cake! 

The cake turned out better then expected! I truly LOVE how every part of it worked with the theme of the night. We went through our favorite bakery in Los Alamitos, CA Great Dane Baking Co. They are very personal and have beautiful cakes!

The moment came and it was time to slice into our future! With about 30 of our closest family and friends looking on, we cut the cake and found out we are having a ....


Side note:
The options I gave the baker were Red Velvet cake for a girl, or Blue Velvet cake for a boy. Gabe was thinking "pink or blue" cake, so when he saw the dark maroon color of the red velvet cake he didn't know WHAT to think! He cheered with me and then leaned over and whispered "that means 'girl' right?" I felt bad for not filling him in before hand, but we had a good laugh about the whole thing. Oops!  :) 

The night turned out perfect and I am so thankful for all our friends and family that made this night possible. Having everyone there, to experience this moment with us, is truly a once in a life time thing. Gabe and I feel blessed by everyone in our lives! We know our little girl is going to be joining a colorful community of people who love her so much! Here's to the future and here's to our little girl!

(And as of today, we will call her Rosemary!)