That being said; Telling a newly pregnant, first time mom that she has to wait until week 8 to see a doctor is cruel! It almost makes me wish I didn't know I was pregnant for the first 7 weeks or so!
It has been officially ONE WEEK since we found out we were pregnant. In these seven days I have gone from totally ecstatic to crippled with terror and back again. (Maybe more than once...) I will say that so far, this new mom has fared well in the symptoms world. Not really any nausea. No headaches. My body is a little sore, but nothing too uncomfortable and I am sleeping through the night! Yay! But, mood swings are now normal.
One week before I took my pee test I was on the computer. I clicked on a video link of Disney's Merida from "Brave" being inducted into the Disney Princess Royal Court. (I'm a Scottish princess fan.) As the video went on, they finally introduced Princess Merida to the crowd. Then her mother came out to crown her. It was all very cute and silly, with cheesiness oozing from every moment. And before I could laugh at the other princesses silly descriptions of themselves, "Arial, always curious. Bell, a quest for learning..." I found myself SOBBING the moment Merida's mother placed the crown on her head and they hugged. Sobbing. *sigh* It only made matters worse when Gabe came over to ask me what I was watching and if I was okay. My first thought was "If I am not pregnant, this is the most embarrassing moment ever!!!
Want to see how silly I should feel about crying? Watch it and then laugh at me yourself!
The Monday after we found out, we were both back to work. I had a long day in West Covina. My cast was mostly on time and we began setting up for our assembly. I had decided not to tell my cast until June, just incase...
As we were getting ready to start rehearsal, one of my actors jumped down, off the stage onto some risers below. They clanged loudly and I snapped "Don't break the risers!" He then, being a funny guy, snapped back, "You calling me fat, Amber?" (Now, I knew he was just joking with me) I started to say no. I think I tried to explain that the sound was loud, and the next thing I knew tears were flowing down my face and I was telling them all I was pregnant and I didn't feel good! Ha! All of 10 min of keeping a secret. They were all super cute and cheered and gave me a big hug.
Since Monday, I have been feeling good. Like I said, very few symptoms. But being a FTM, that isn't always the most comforting thing. I keep reading and hearing about how sick everyone else felt at this point. Not sleeping, peeing all the time, and headaches. On Thursday morning I had my first mini breakdown. As I was reading our "You, Having a Baby" book, I couldn't take it any more. I was overwhelmed and scared and didn't understand why I didn't feel pregnant! Tears started to flow again and before I knew it, my beautiful, hero of a husband was right there. He held me and then looked me right in the face and told me not to worry. The tears themselves were the biggest sign of all. It's true, I had never cried this much in my life! (Okay maybe when I was a baby.) To calm myself a little more, I did take one more pee test that afternoon. Still pregnant. :)
I see the doctor on June 6th. WooHoo!